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End of year accompaniment tour to Ciudad Juárez

End of year accompaniment tour to Ciudad Juárez

As part of our accompaniment of Centro de Derechos Humanos Paso del Norte (PdN), at the end of 2017 PBI travelled to Ciudad Juárez, in the state of Chihuahua. The organization is dedicated to the promotion of human rights and provides psychological and legal accompaniment in cases of enforced disappearance and torture in Ciudad Juárez and in the north of the state. Since October 2009, PdN has documented more than 170 cases of torture in Ciudad Juárez and presently the Center is handling 12 cases of suspected forced disappearance. PBI has accompanied the Centre since the launch of our office in the North of Mexico and as part of our permanent presence in the region, we carry out meetings with various actors in the border city. One of the meetings was with the recently created Executive Comission for the Attention of Victims (Comisión Ejecutiva de Atención a Victimas – CEAVE)).
