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Civil Observation Mission presents conclusions of visit to Mexico

Civil Observation Mission presents conclusions of visit to Mexico

Mexico City, 29 September 2015.– From November 9th to 14th, 2014, a Civil Observation Mission (MOC in Spanish), organised by 11 national and international organisations – including PBI – visited Mexico to examine the situation of human rights defenders in the country and make visible their work. The detailed report released by the MOC on 29 September 2015 on a side event of the Session of the UN Human Rights Council, considered that “the protection policy must be part of an effort to eliminate impunity with a focus on solving structural problems that transcend individual violations.” Moreover, the MOC's first recommendation was to “encourage and legitimise recognition for the work of human rights defenders and for their organisations”.
You may read the report at: We also recommend watching a video that presents this report, available at: