2017: In Defense of Life: Land, Territory and Environmental Defenders at Risk
Land, territory and environmental defenders face extreme levels of risk throughout Mexico. This publication explores the risks and obstacles they face, their protection needs and the strategies that many have developed to be able to continue their work, despite grave danger.
2017: Benefits of integrating a psychosocial perspective in human rights work carried out in contexts of socio-political violence
In this case study, PBI Mexico along with two external consultants has documented and systematized the work done by PBI to integrate a psychosocial perspective into our work. By sharing this case study, we aim to recognize the individual and collective impacts of political violence on those who provide accompaniment to people, organizations and processes in these contexts. At the same time, the study seeks to show how these impacts can be proactively and positively addressed by organizations, with the goal of maintaining and improving their work in defense and promotion of human rights.
2016: Mexico’s Mechanism to Protect Human Rights Defenders and Journalists: Progress and Continued Challenges
The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and PBI publish a report on the advances and challenges related to the implementation of the Governmental Protection Mechanism in Mexico.
2015: Peace in Mexico? Security and Human Rights
Peace Brigades International launches its new thematic bulletin “Peace in Mexico? Security Strategies and Human Rights”, which discusses the issue of public security from the perspective of human rights defenders, highlighting the impact that the current violent context and the public security strategies have on the defence of human rights.
2014: Ten Years of the European Union Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders: An Assessment from the Field
An evaluation of the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Human Rights in the countries where PBI has permanent presence: Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Honduras and Kenya. It includes examples of structures, best practices and challenges for the implementation of the guidelines.
2013: A Panorama of the Defense of Human Rights in Mexico: Initiative and Risks of Mexican Civil Society
The publication covers the actions and initiatives of Mexican human rights and social organisations, based on 25 case studies. These were collected in the course of an exploratory mission conducted in six Mexican states during 2012, as well as the experience PBI has gained in its 12 years of international accompaniment work in Guerrero, Oaxaca and Mexico City.
2012: Dignas: Voices of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico
To commemorate International Women’s Day, PBI launched a special publication about WHRDs in Mexico on 8 March 2012. This new report highlights the leading role played by Mexican women in social movements promoting human rights in recent decades. It also raises awareness of the current situation and the challenges facing these social activists to carry out their work: the serious threats made against them and members of their families, sexual violence, smear campaigns, and obstacles in their access to justice. 19 WHRDs explain their achievements and risks defending and promoting human rights in Mexico.
Dignas is also available in French.
2011: Undermining the Land
In this publication, PBI gives a voice to the human rights defenders who are faced with big economic interests and who are fighting for their right to the land and to a clean environment
2011: How Many More? The need for a governmental protection mechanism for human rights defenders
PBI Mexico presents information on the need for a Govermental Protection Mechanism for HRDs in Mexico.
2010: Mexico Before The Inter-American Court
This bulletin from PBI consists of two articles about emblematic cases which have recently appeared before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The first article covers the cases of Valentina Rosendo Cantú and Inés Fernández Ortega, two indigenous women raped by members of the army in 2002. The second articule details the forced disappearance of Rosendo Radilla in 1974 and the serach for justice which his daughter Tita
2010: Human Rights Defenders Behind Bars
In this publication, PBI has chosen to address the issue of human rights defenders who are imprisoned and accused of committing crimes. We will also deal with the topic of political prisoners in Mexico.
2009: UPR: Mexico was Evaluated
In this Special Bulletin, PBI Mexico hopes to highlight the UPR process, the recommendations accepted by the Mexican government and the concerns of the civil society about the recommendations Mexico refused.
2009: Silenced: Violence against Human Rights Defenders in the South of Mexico
With this special bulletin, PBI intends to provide information regarding the particularly difficult situation faced by human rights defenders in Ayutla.
2007: Human Rights Defenders in the State of Guerrero: cases of resistance and initiatives from civil society regarding the defense and promotion of fundamental rights in Guerreo
This report is based on PBI Mexico´s 8 years of experience working in Guerrero. First it presents initiatives from social and human rights organizations in the state. The second section outlines visions and proposals of Mexican authorities and international human rights organizations. In conclusion, it discusses the risks faced by human rights defenders in Guerrero and PBI´s accompaniment activities in the state.
Human Rights Defenders in the State of Guerrero is also available German.