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Codigo-DH: We demand guarantees of security for human rights defenders

Codigo-DH: We demand guarantees of security for human rights defenders


During the night of April 3rd, the offices of the Committee for the Integral Defense of Human Rights Gobixha AC (Código DH) were forcibly entered. Personnel noticed the entry when they arrived at the office at 8:20am and found the door unlocked and the padlock partially open. In the judicial department they found the computer was turned on and that someone had gone through the records kept at the desk, taking several of them. It is also probable that they went through digital documents found on the computer. These events were denounced before SEGOB, the Special Prosecutors Office for Crimes of Social Significance of the Attorney General's Office and the Federal Police.

We manifest our concern due to this new wave of aggressions against human rights defenders. In Oaxaca in recent months a climate of intimidation and harassment of community defenders, to whom we provide accompaniment, has been generated. Some of these defenders have also recently been detained.

We demand that the state and federal government secure conditions for the work of human rights defenders!