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Global NGO coalition calls for renewal of mandate of UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders

Global NGO coalition calls for renewal of mandate of UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders

Info: @International Service for Human Rights:

                 2017, UN Special Rapporteur on HRDs in Guerrero @PBIMexico

In a  letter to member States of the Human Rights Council, a global coalition of leading civil society organisations has called for the consensus renewal of the mandate of the UN expert on human rights defenders. The increasing global crackdown on civil society and persistent attacks against human rights defenders (HRDs) underscore the importance of guaranteeing the continuation of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders. Regrettably, HRDs around the globe are being intimidated and harassed, arbitrarily detained, physically attacked and killed.

                              2017, UN Special Rapporteur on HRDs in Chihuahua @PBIMexico

The work of human rights defenders is vital to promoting human rights (...). Despite this critical role, the Special Rapporteur notes that defenders are under ‘unprecedented attack’ with ‘the number killed around the world continuously rising’. In turn, the mandate of the Special Rapporteur is key to provide visibility of the situation of defenders and highlight the need for their protection.

Since the creation of the mandate in 2000, successive mandate holders have made concrete contributions to the protection of those defending human rights and the dissemination and implementation of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. The mandate has also made significant contributions to acknowledging gender specific attacks targeting women human rights defenders and the need to develop intersectional responses.

                                        2017, UN Special Rapporteur on HRDs in Oaxaca @PBIMexico

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