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Letter from the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center

Letter from the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center

Impunity Issue in the State of Guerrero

Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero,8th of February 2010

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights confirmed that of a study of 128 attacks and presumed acts of aggression against Mexican human rights defenders, conducted between 2006 and August 2009, which includes 10 homicides, 98% of the cases resulted in impunity. Moreover, based on those cases that are registered by the Office, there is a situation of risk, in which the victims, presumably in relation to their activities as human rights defenders, have been victims of threats, harassed, suffered from arbitrary executive meddling and interference, and arbitrary use of the penal system as well as violations of their right to life, to dignity, to freedom and personal security.

In the state of Guerrero, 107 defenders of human rights have been reporting since April 2009 that they are vulnerable and at real and imminent risk because of their work, despite the provisional measures that have been granted by the Inter American Court of Human Rights. Furthermore, in Guerrero state there is a register of a number of diverse cases which illustrate this situation and will, in the next couple of weeks, commemorate sad anniversaries that tell of the problem of impunity.

<media 5255>See the Tlachinollan Letter</media>