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Chahuites Migrant Shelter faces Risks

Chahuites Migrant Shelter faces Risks

According to the CNDH, in recent years the flow of migrants that transit through Mexico have increased, and migration patterns have become more complex.

To respond to the needs of undocumented migrants that pass through the municipality of Chahuites, in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in 2014 the priest Alejandro Solalinde Guerra founded the Center for Attention and Humanitarian Aid for Migrants as an extension of the Brothers on the Path Migrant Shelter, in Ixtepec.

The Center in Chahuites is the first space in the state of Oaxaca where migrants can rest after walking for many hours.

They also receive legal orientation regarding their rights and support if they have suffered any aggressions and wish to make a formal legal complaint before the relevant authorities.

Due to their work in favour of the human rights of migrants, staff from the shelter have faced risks and aggressions such as intimidation, threats and assaults, among others.

The Center benefits from precautionary measures immitted by the CNDH and DDHPO, which recently urged authorities in Chahuites to take action to protect migrants who transit through the municipality.