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Integral Defense of Human Rights in Oaxaca

Integral Defense of Human Rights in Oaxaca

Código DH, an organization accompanied by PBI, organized an event titled “A Conversation: an Agenda for Freedom of Expression. First Analysis: Preventative and Protective Measures for journalists, advances and challenges.” This event is part of the VOX project, whose goal is to strengthen capacities for the defense of freedom of expression for journalism and communication in the free press and in community press with a human rights perspective.

In this forum, Codigo DH spoke about the impunity with which attacks take places and the human rights violations in Mexico. The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) provided information in their ´National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Security relative to 2017´ and stated there is 98.8% impunity. In addition, although several human rights defenders, journalists and communicators have precautionary measures from the Governmental Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists, aggressions against them continue.

The OHCHR stated that despite the creation of the Federal Protection Mechanism five years ago, human rights defenders and journalists are still unable to exercise freedom of expression without the risk of reprisals. They also called on authorities to recognize the legitimate work of human rights defenders and journalists and to swiftly, impartially and effectively investigate aggressions against human rights defenders and journalists and to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to trial.
