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Latin American Meeting on Strategies of Protection for the Defence of the Territory

Latin American Meeting on Strategies of Protection for the Defence of the Territory

On May 30, 31 and June 1, in Mexico City, the Latin American Meeting “Strategies of Protection for the defence of territory” was held.

With the support of, this event was organised by a group of international, regional and local organisations that support processes for the protection of human rights defenders, especially those who work in the defence of land and territory.

The meeting was a space for exchange and learning about experiences and protection strategies that exist in the region in order to strengthen ongoing processes, and foster a space of solidarity and articulation between different movements, organizations and territories.

Representatives of organizations and communities from 15 Latin American countries participated in the event and signed a communique regarding the obstacles and risks they face while carrying out their work in defense of land, territory and environmental rights.

In the context of the consultation initiated by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders working in contexts where companies operate, they also prepared a document about the impact that the defense of human rights has on the people and communities that defend the rights to the territory and the environment.