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Nochixtlan, one year on

Nochixtlan, one year on

19 June marked the one year anniversary of the “Oaxaca Operation,” carried out by the State and Federal Police in Nochixtlan and four other municipalities. According to different organizations, a series of violent events occurred that led to eight deaths and hundreds of injuries, in addition to psychological damage to dozens of civilians, including children.

joint statement by the UN OHCHR, the CNDH and the Human Rights Ombudsman for the People of Oaxaca (DDHPO) condemned the acts and called on federal and state authorities to reinitiate dialogue with the victims, to carry out a thorough investigation and provide guarantees of non-repetition.

In April of this year the head of the DDHPO, Arturo Peimbert Calvo, stated that the lack of progress in the investigation allows impunity to prevail and aggressions toward the victims, their families and their defenders to continue to take place.

The insecurity faced by victims of this violent act was also the topic of a meeting that took place at the DDHPO’s headquarters in Oaxaca on 25 May between Jan Jarab, representative of the OHCHR, and the Committee of Victims for Truth and Justice.

On 26 June, during the presentation of the booklet titled “Recovering Dignity with regard to Torture” which took place on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Codigo-DH (an organization accompanied by PBI) stated that it is important that the case does not remain in impunity and made a statement with regard to the one year anniversary.

Several victims also provided testimony. Codigo-DH provides legal assistance and psycho-social support to the people detained in the cemetery who were allegedly tortured on the day of the Oaxaca Operative.