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Paso del Norte Human Rights Center Provides Information about the Release of a Torture Survivor

Paso del Norte Human Rights Center Provides Information about the Release of a Torture Survivor

On 13 September the Paso del Norte Human Rights Center, an organization that is accompanied by PBI, provided information in a press release about the release of Mr. J. Valdez, one of the people that they accompanied in legal proceedings.

According to information from Paso del Norte, Mr. Valdez was accused in 2011 of aggravated extorsion, and a new investigation was opened on 11 September to investigate the torture of Mr. Vazquez by agents of the ministerial police. An independent investigation was carried out according to the Istanbul Protocol, which was then ratified by the judge in a resolution which led to his liberation.

The Paso del Norte Human Rights Center and the Network of Relatives of the Disappeared and Survivors of Torture spoke about the continuation of the fight for justice and truth for the process of reparation of damage and the punishment of the perpetrators. The organization provides accompaniment to victims in cases of torture and forced disappearance.

In September, they published information about the number of human rights violations that have been documented in Ciudad Juarez during the first semester of 2017, pointing out that torture and forced disappearance continue to take place. In this sense, it is important to highlight that the general law to prevent and sanction torture was approved in Mexico at the end of 2016, and that civil society organizations continue to demand its correct implementation.

The former representative of the UN has classified torture in Mexico as a generalized phenomenon in the country.