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Oaxacan Truth Commission denounces harassment from the National Gendamerie

Oaxacan Truth Commission denounces harassment from the National Gendamerie

Mexico City, 27 July 2015.- Members of the Oaxacan Truth Commission have denounced acts of aggression perpetrated against both them and their offices by the National Gendarmerie. On 21 July 2015, the three Commissioners, Father Alejandro Solalinde, Diego Osorno and Marina Patricia Jiménez, published a press release referring to incidents that took place the week prior when the Gendarmerie attempted to illegally enter the office of the Oaxacan Truth Commission. The release details that on 13 July a member of the judicial division of the Commission was illegally detained and forced to identify himself by members of the police force. The Commissioners highlight that the incidents of the previous week have left a situation of risk for both themselves and those that visit their office. They further perceive that the Gedarmerie's presence in Oaxaca is generating an intimidating climate amongst the general population. Consequently, they have urged that both the Secretary of the Interior and the National Security Commission demand the authorities that perform such operations to ensure these are conducted in a manner consistent with security protocols and respect for the human rights of the Oaxacan citizenry. The office of the Defender of the Human Rights of the People of Oaxaca (DDHPO – for its initials in Spanish) has already been informed of the above mentioned events and has opened a complaint and registered it in its book of corresponding priors.

The press release is available in Spanish at:

            PBI volunteers accompany Father Solalinde during a press conference regarding the Migrant Via Crucis, April 2015 © PBI Mexico