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PBI Mexico: 15 years for the right to defend

PBI Mexico: 15 years for the right to defend

Mexico City, 4 November 2015.– 2015 marks PBI's 15th anniversary in Mexico. During this time, we have accompanied Human Rights Defenders from the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chihuahua, Coahuila and the Federal District. We mark this occasion with a small campaign through which we give voice to those people who courageously devote their lives to the defence of Human Rights in Mexico, in spite of the high risks that arise from such activities.

The first interview of the campaign portrays Alberto Xicotencatl, director of the Saltillo Migrant Shelter, who tells us about the high risk situation faced by migrants' rights defenders in the North of Mexico. You can watch it here:


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