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PBI Mexico: Amnesty International Adopts Five Indigenous Rights Defenders (members of the OPIM) as Prisoners of Conscience

PBI Mexico: Amnesty International Adopts Five Indigenous Rights Defenders (members of the OPIM) as Prisoners of Conscience

"Amnesty International is calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Raúl Hernández, Manuel Cruz, Orlando Manzanarez, Natalio Ortega and Romualdo Santiago, who have been in detention for more than six months in Ayutla, Guerrero state. After closely scrutinising their case, Amnesty International has concluded that all five are innocent of the murder charges and their detention and prosecution is politically motivated.

All of those detained are members of the Me’ phaa Indigenous People’s Organization (OPIM). Amnesty International believes that the case against them has been brought in reprisal for their legitimate activities promoting the rights of their community and exposing abuses by a local political boss (cacique) and authorities."

Amnesty International, November 11, 2008

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