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PBI Mexico: Bill of a Protection Mechanism for HRDs and Journalists to be passed

PBI Mexico: Bill of a Protection Mechanism for HRDs and Journalists to be passed

Mexico City:- Yesterday, March 13, 2012 a bill proposing the creation of a Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists was presented publicly in the Mexican Senate. The proposal has been endorsed by senators of all the parties in the House and takes into account most of the recommendations made by the Mexican civil society. The initiative responds to the serious situation of insecurity surrounding the defence of human rights and journalism, and it has also been supported by up to 170 organizations around the country.

PBI, along with Amnesty International, has followed the creation process of this initiative since 2010. During the session in the Senate, Peace Brigades International had the opportunity to emphasize the importance of this law and the joint work of civil society organizations. Approval of the proposal would be a first step to give a basic tool of protection to those who defend and protect the rights in Mexico.


More information (in Spanish)

Video: Presentación de la iniciativa de Ley

"Se presentará iniciativa de ley para proteger a personas defensoras de derechos humanos y periodistas", Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social, A.C. (CENCOS), 13 March 2012

Mecanismo gubernamental de protección, Protection Desk México

Microsite: Mecanismo de Protección a Defensores/as y Periodistas, Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social, A.C. (CENCOS)