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PBI Mexico: The Cerezo Committee celebrates its 10th anniversary

PBI Mexico: The Cerezo Committee celebrates its 10th anniversary

The Cerezo Committee Mexico on August 24 and 25 celebrates several events to commemorate its tenth anniversary. It is also publishing a report on violations of human rights in Mexico during the period of 2009 to 2010.

The Comité Cerezo Mexico emerged on August 13, 2001 following the detention of the brothers Alejandro, Hector and Antonio Cerezo Contreras and Pablo Alvarado Flores and Sergio Galicia Max in a high security prison in Mexico.

For this reason and because of their activities to demand their freedom, Francisco and Emiliana Cerezo Contreras, Cerezo Committee members, were victims of multiple episodes of harassment and threats. After receiving the request for support, Peace Brigades International began providing protective accompaniment to Francisco and Emiliana in February 2002.

Alejandro Cerezo was exonerated and released in March 2005 and on February 16, 2009 Hector and Antonio Cerezo Contreras were released after serving their sentence. PBI accompanied Francisco, Alejandro and Emiliana Cerezo to the liberation of their brothers and now accompanies all of the Committee members.

Since its establishment, the general objective of the Committee has been directed towards defending the human rights of political prisoners, prisoners of conscience unjustly associated with political motives in Mexico, and in particular focused on securing the release of the brothers Alejandro, Hector and Antonio Cerezo Contreras sentenced to seven years in prison with irregularities in the process. Currently, the organization is accompanying and documenting cases of human rights violations, training others in the prevention of abuses, as well as working on defending and promoting human rights.

After ten years of work, the Cerezo Committe celebrates its anniversary on August 24 and 25 with several cultural events at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. At the same time, it is launching the report (only available in Spanish) Saldos de la Represión en México 2009-2010: una guerra contra el Pueblo, it highlights the strategies of violation of human rights in Mexico during that period.

Read more:

Information about the Events of the 10th Anniversary.

PBI accompaniment to the Cerezo Committe

Interview Cerezo Committe, launched in March 2009 after the release of Héctor and Antonio Cerezo.