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PBI Mexico: Concern expressed regarding complaint against Father Alejandro Solalinde

PBI Mexico: Concern expressed regarding complaint against Father Alejandro Solalinde

Oaxaca, Oax:- PBI Mexico is concerned due to a complaint which has been presented against Father Alejandro Solalinde, founder of the migrant shelter “Hermanos en el camino” (“Brothers on the Path”), located in Ixtepec City, Oaxaca. The complaint, for neglect of persons, was presented by a Gualtemalan migrant, who is reported to hace received advice from the National Migration Institute (INM – Instituto Nacional de Migración).

It is reported that the migrant had arrived at the shelter in September 2011, with an infection in his eyes caused by insecticide. Due to a lack of local specialists, the migrant was brought to the capital of the state Oaxaca, where he was offered treatment at the Migrants' Attention Centre (Centro de Atencion al Migrante). Nevertheless the migrant demanded to go the Mexico City, which is located about six hours from Oaxaca by bus, the costs of which Father Solalinde couldn't pay.

Because of this the migrant decided to go on his own, he was later detained in Puebla by members of the INM. One month later the migrant presented a complaint against Father Solalinde for negleting his health. As a result, Father Solalinde had to appear before the Attorney General of the Republic on 9 December. According to Father Solalinde, the migrant received advice in submitting the complaint from the INM.

PBI fears that this complaint may be aimed at damaging the reputation of Father Solalinde as a human rights defender, and adds its voice to the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City in expressing conceren at this possible criminalization of his person and work.

PBI accompanies Father Alejandro Solalinde and the “Hermanos en el Camino” migrants' shelter since July 2010.

Further Information:

Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal muestra su preocupación por la posible criminalización del Padre Solalinde (in Spanish)

Comparece Padre Solalinde ante PGR; lo acusa migrante – El Universal (in Spanish)

PBI accompaniment to Father Alejandro Solalinde