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PBI Mexico: Defending Defenders A Discussion with Mexican Human Rights Activists

PBI Mexico: Defending Defenders A Discussion with Mexican Human Rights Activists

Please join the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), Peace Brigades International (PBI), and the Latin America Working Group Education Fund (LAWGEF) for

Defending Defenders

A Discussion with Mexican Human Rights Activists

With presentations by

Alberto Xicotencatl

Casa del Migrante, Saltillo

Silvia Grijalva

Paso del Norte Human Rights Center, Ciudad Juárez

Followed by traditional Mexican music by

Cosita Seria

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Busboys and Poets

2021 14th St NW

Washington, DC

Please RSVP via the event page on Facebook.

Please join us for an evening with Mexican human rights defenders, who will discuss the risks and challenges they face in their work to address critical human rights issues impacting their communities: torture, forced disappearance, kidnapping and violence against migrants, human trafficking and the impact of the 'war on drugs' upon Mexico's social fabric. PBI will also present its latest video and publication on the threats facing human rights defenders across Mexico and discuss what the U.S. public can do to help. Following the presentation, Cosita Seria will entertain with traditional Mexican music.

Please note that presentations will be in Spanish with English interpretation provided.