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PBI Mexico: The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights grants precautionary measures to Juan Manual Martinez Moreno

PBI Mexico: The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights grants precautionary measures to Juan Manual Martinez Moreno

Oaxaca.- The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (ICHR) has ordered precautionary measures in favour of Juan Manuel Martinez Moreno and his family, requesting the Mexican Government to adopt the necessary means to guarantee their lives and physical integrity.

The announcement by the ICHR comes as a result of the intimidation, threats, harassment and surveillance that Juan Manuel and his family have suffered over the last few months. Martinez Moreno announced publicly, that they have received threatening phone calls, been watched from outside their house, and had their home unlawfully broken into and searched last September the 24th.

Juan Manuel Martinez was previously accused of the homicide of American journalist, Bradley Roland Will, who was killed in October 2006 whilst covering a demonstration organised by the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) in Santa Lucia del Camino. Juan Manuel was put in jail from October 2008 until February 2010, date in which he was released for the lack of evidence against him. While imprisoned, he also suffered several attacks, harassment and death threats.

The Centre for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), petitioners for the precautionary measures, and the November 25 Liberation Committee, responsible for the legal defence of Juan Manual and accompanied by PBI since 2009 due to the threats and aggressions made against them, have demanded the Mexican State to fulfil the conditions set out by the ICHR to protect Juan Manuel Martinez Moreno and his family.

For more information, please check out the November 25 Liberation Committee’s press release (in Spanish)

Other news: Breaking and entering of Juan Manuel Martinez Moreno’s house