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PBI Mexico Interview with CECOP: "Opposition to La Parota hydroelectric dam project"

PBI Mexico Interview with CECOP: "Opposition to La Parota hydroelectric dam project"

<media 7195>Entrevista 23</media>

The Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposed to the La Parota Dam (Consejo de Ejidos y Comunidades Opositores a la Presa La Parota, CECOP) is a resistance movement uniting peasant farmers, both male and female, who oppose the La Parota Hydrolectric Dam Project. The dam's construction would affect, amongst others, the communal land holders of the municipalities of Acapulco and Juan R. Escudero in the state of Guerrero. The movement was launched on 28 July 2003, when CECOP members blocked the roads leading to site of the proposed dam's contention walls. For a number of hours, CECOP members questioned three workers from the Federal Electricity Commission (Comisión Federal de Electricidad, CFE), demanding from them more information on the project. Recently PBI interviewed CECOP spokesman Felipe Flores Hernández.

¿Why are the Federal Electricity Commission and the [Guerrero] state authorities pushing for the construction of La Parota?

First they said they needed to build it because Acapulco needed water, then [they said they needed it] for electricity. We started investigating and... <media 7195>Download the complete interview</media>