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PBI Mexico: IV Regional Forum of the Sierra Sur: The environmental consequences of megaprojects and the water issue

PBI Mexico: IV Regional Forum of the Sierra Sur: The environmental consequences of megaprojects and the water issue

Oaxaca:- On 16 and 17 july 2011, PBI accompanied the Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos “Bartolomé Carrasco Briseño” (Bartolomé Carrasco Briseño Regional Human Rights Centre – Barca DH) at the IV Regional Forum of the Sierra Sur which took place in the municipality of Santa Cruz Zenzontepec (Oaxaca), wherein the Oaxacan human rights organisation informed various communities of the Sierra Sur region about the environmental consequences of 'megaprojects', giving emphasis to the water issues which are generated in the area, as well as the consequences which follow the entry of programs such as environmental services, which in previous instances have led to alleged dispossessions of lands, and therefore violations of the human rights of indigenous communities.

Municipal and communal authorities participated in the event, along with representatives of the 43 municipal agencies of Santa Cruz Zenzontepec, Santa Maria Zaniza, Santo Domingo Teojomulco, Santa María Sola, and Santa Cruz Xitla (Miahuatlan), as well as representatives of civil society organisations, such as the Frente Amplio Opositor a la Minera San Xavier>Frente en Defensa de Wirikuta Tamatsima Wahaa>

Similarly, they informed the participants of the grave concequences which are being suffered in areas wherein natural resources are already being exploited – such as the case of San Xavier, in San Luis Potosí, where the levels of water and air pollution have multiplied and the health of the inhabitants is said to be in grave danger.

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