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PBI Mexico: Military Impunity On Trial

PBI Mexico: Military Impunity On Trial

Prodh Centre, Tlachinollan Human Rights Centre and the Centre for Justice and International Law (Cejil) have jointly published a highly informative report, Military Impunity On Trail. It explains some of the Mexican cases which have recently appeared before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, namely: <media 6963>Valentina Rosendo Cantú and Inés Fernández Ortega</media>, two indigenous women raped by soldiers, and the case of the Ecologists Rodolfo Montiel and Teodoro Cabrera, two campesino ecologists subjected to torture, arbitrary detention and unfair imprisonment. These cases took place in the state of Guerrero, where PBI has a permanent team due to the risks which exist for human rights defenders in this state.

The report explains how the Inter American system works, the context in which the abuses took place and the debate regarding military jurisdiction in Mexico, as well as detailing the cases themselves and their audiences before the Court.

<media 7067>Click here to download the report Military Impunity On Trial (pdf)</media>

PBI accompanies Valentina and Inés and the organisations which support them - The Organisation of the Indigenous Me´phaa People and Tlachinollan Human Rights Centre – due to the threats and aggressions which these individuals and organisations have suffered during their search for justice.