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PBI Mexico: Mission formed by human rights defenders concludes in Oaxaca

PBI Mexico: Mission formed by human rights defenders concludes in Oaxaca

Press Release

Oaxaca de Juarez, October 3, 2012– October 1st-3rd, representatives of organizations of the National Network of Civil Human Rights Organizations "All Rights for All" (Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos "Todos los derechos para todas y todos", Red TDT) and Peace Brigades International (PBI) carried out a Mission to the state of Oaxaca.

This visit aimed to corroborate the human rights violations committed against human rights defenders (HRDs) in Oaxaca. Participants in the mission held meetings with executive and legislative officials of the state as well as the Ombudsman and HRDs.

According to data recorded by the Red TDT, Oaxaca is the state with the highest levels of human rights violations perpetrated against defenders in the country. In 2011 and 2012 the Red TDT has documented 29 attacks against HRDs individually and 12 attacks against groups advocating human rights. The climate of aggression is confirmed by the 1847 beneficiaries of precautionary measures granted by the American Commission on Human Rights and the fact that PBI has maintained a permanent team in the state since 2008.

Among the reports of violations committed against HRDs gathered by the mission are murders, physical assaults, raids, threats, harassment, defamation, theft, abuse and arbitrary detention or disproportionate use of public force. This pattern of attacks and harassment against HRDs is presented as a general situation and not only a manifestation of isolated cases.

Significantly, many of these attacks occur against individuals and community organizations who defend their right to land and territory, specifically against extractive projects (mines), wind (to generate electricity), hydroelectric and infrastructure.

In addition, civil society organizations noted Oaxacan social vulnerability and the factor of gender in the attacks on HRDs, including privacy and sexual assault.

The Mission held meetings with civil society organizations, which highlighted the lack of coordination between different government agencies in the implementation of protective measures for HRDs and the importance that these measures are defined in consultation with beneficiaries. In most cases of attacks and killings of human rights defenders, the victims had reported previous threats, but authorities did not deal with complaints promptly and thus allowed the situation to escalate.

The Mission emphasizes that one of the factors that impact HRDs insecurity is the impunity of the crimes against them. Those defenders with whom the mission met applauded the initiative to collect all cases of attacks in the new office of the Attorney for Crimes of Social Significance. However they expressed concern that there are still cases to transfer and that the Attorney lacks the resources and capabilities needed to address this urgent issue.

The Mission welcomes the fact that the government of Oaxaca has signed a cooperation agreement with the Interior Ministry to participate in the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists and also urges state government officials to fulfill their obligation to ensure the necessary protection measures arising from submitted applications. The mission calls on the Interior Ministry to replace the selection process of the Consultative Council in a second meeting at which the necessary conditions for a transparent vote and the conditions of the application and the law will be ensured.

The Mission reiterates its commitment to the defenders of the state of Oaxaca and will continue to follow up on the human rights situation in the state. During a future visit the mission hopes to meet with the state governor and monitor the Oaxacan government's commitment to protect this population at risk. The mission will also present to the representative in Mexico of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Javier Hernandez Valencia, its observations, hoping that this entity will strengthen its work on behalf of the HRDs of this state.

The Mission welcomes the openness of the Oaxacan authorities, who expressed their willingness to address the problem of attacks on HRDs, and also recognized the importance of their work and declared their readiness to find solutions together with local, national and international civil society.

For more information contact the office of the Red TdT at tel. (55) 55 23 99 92, the Committee for the Integral Defence of Human Rights GOBIXHA (Código DH) tel. (951) 516 August 02 and / or the Human Rights Centre "Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez" cel. (044 55) 44 99 45 36.