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PBI Mexico: New threats against Father Solalinde and migrant rights defenders

PBI Mexico: New threats against Father Solalinde and migrant rights defenders

On November 11, in the state of Oaxaca, José Alberto Donis of the 'Hermanos en el Camino' migrant shelter, suffered physical aggressions and death threats against both himself and his colleague Father Alejandro Solalinde. These attacks represent an increase in the risk which risks for the staff of the shelter, which provides humanitarian and legal aid to migrants. PBI would like to communicate its profound concern for the security of Father Solalinde and his colleagues.

For more information on these incidents, see Amnesty International's Urgent Action.

For more information about the work of Father Solalinde, the 'Hermanos en el Camino' migrant shelter, and the risks which exist for those working in migrant rights, <media 7090>download the recent interview which PBI carried out with Father Solalinde.</media>