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PBI Mexico: New threats against migrants and Father Alejandro Solalinde

PBI Mexico: New threats against migrants and Father Alejandro Solalinde

Father Alejandro Solalinde
© PBI Mexico

Oaxaca, Oax.- In the last few weeks, Father Alejandro Solalinde has received an increased amount of threats. PBI Mexico expresses concern about the safety of the priest and human rights defender, who runs the Casa del Migrante Hermanos en el Camino, located in the City of Ixtepex (state of Oaxaca).

On April 15, Father Alejandro Solalinde was receiving about 1,500 migrants from Arriaga (Chiapas). when two unknown drunk men blocked the migrants on the railway crossing near the shelter and began to threaten them verbally. They were shouting at Father Solalinde that he was "a fucking coyote" (coyote- referring to a people smuggler in Mexican Spanish) and that's why he had already been put in jail. On being questioned about these accusations and insults by Solalinde, the men became angry and threatened to kill Father Solalinde. Then another man driving a car came, who intervened on behalf of the men. After explained that they were verbally attacking Solalinde, he third man forced the two aggressors to get into the car and then left with them.

Earlier, on March 31st, Father Solalinde had also received threats. That day, the dismembered body of a man had appeared on the railway tracks. Father Solalinde and shelter staff rushed to the place where the security group with the municipal authorities the Urban Rescue Group already was. Apparently, they began to blame the migrants for the death and threatened to send a letter to the governor requesting the closure of the shelter. They also agreed amongst themselves to give "poisoned food" to migrants if they asked for money. The migrant who overheard the conversation told the shelter staff to warn the other migrants.

Father Solalinde went to the family of the victim' house, at the time of his wake, to deny the accusation. Then, two people approached him apparently with the intention of attacking. Relatives of the victim tried to stop them.

The next day, somebody revealed the shelter staff that a man has been hired to kill Father Solalinde.


Since 2008, Father Solalinde has reported numerous cases of official corruption and kidnapping practices against migrants. Thus, the defender has faced threats and attacks. On April 23, 2010, the Inter-american Commission of Human Rights granted precautionary measures to ensure that the Mexican government protects his life and physical integrity. However, both Father Solalinde and the shelter´s staff continue to suffer death threats and physical attacks.

PBI has accompanied Father Alejandro Solalinde Guerra and the migrant shelter staff Hermanos en el Camino since 2010.


More information

Migrants Rights Defender threatened: Father Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, Urgent Action 108/12, AMR 41/024/2012, Mexico, 18 April 2012.

AU: Defensor Alejandro Solalinde denuncia nuevas amenazas contra él y personas migrantes (in Spanish), Migrants' Shelter Hermanos en el camino, Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social, A.C. (CENCOS), 16 April 2012.

PBI Mexico accompaniment to Father Alejandro Solalinde Guerra and staff of the Hermanos en el Camino migrant shelter.