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PBI Mexico: Oaxaca demands Truth and Justice for the victims of human rights violations during the 2006 conflict

PBI Mexico: Oaxaca demands Truth and Justice for the victims of human rights violations during the 2006 conflict

Sand sculptures in memory of the victims, on the fourth anniversary of the repression on November 25, 2006. © PBI - Mexico

March 24th: International Day for the Right to the Truth

Oaxaca -. In commemoration of the International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims, proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations, several organisations in Oaxaca have once again called for the truth, justice and punishment of those responsable for the State´s repression against the Oaxacan teachers´ union and the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO).

The Committee for the Integral Defence of Human Rights Gobixha (Codigo-DH), the State Front for Victims of Repression, the Committee of the Relatives and Friends of People Disappeared, Killed and Politically Detained of Oaxaca (COFADAPPO), Women´s Development Initiatives (IDEMO), Tequio Juridico, Alternative Education Services (EDUCA), and the Flor y Canto Indigenous Rights Centre have asked the authorities for the truth about the what occurred so that human rights violations against the Oaxacan population will never be repeated.

To know more about the demands and requests of these organisations, please see the press release (in Spanish).

PBI has been providing international accompaniment to Codigo-DH since January 2011, and also previously accompanied its predecessor, the November 25 Liberation Committee, which was founded as a result of the repression of the teachers´union movement in 2006.