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PBI Mexico: PBI celebrates 30 years protecting human rights defenders

PBI Mexico: PBI celebrates 30 years protecting human rights defenders

In 2011 PBI celebrates the 30th anniversary of its founding in 1981 in Canada. To mark this, PBI has organized a series of events during October and November.

On November 21, PBI UK and la Alliance for Lawyers at Risk invite you to our 30th Anniversary gala in London.

Furthermore, the Mexican human rights defender Wilfrido Mayrén Peláez, known as Padre Uvi, accompanied by PBI in Oaxaca, will be a key speaker at three events in October:

October 19 in Geneva, Switzerland: “Protection of human rights defenders −how can international mechanisms contribute to their protection?”

October 27 in Berlin, Germany: "Evolution of risk and protection for human rights defenders"

October 31 in London, United Kingdom: “A Dangerous Business: The human cost of advocating against environmental degradation and land rights violations"