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PBI Mexico: PBI interviews Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, Head of the Unit for the Defense of Human Rights at the Interior Ministry

PBI Mexico: PBI interviews Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, Head of the Unit for the Defense of Human Rights at the Interior Ministry

Mexico D.F., 1 November 2013. PBI interviewed Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, Head of the Unit for the Defense of Human Rights at the Interior Ministry (SEGOB) and Executive Coordinator of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists.

Gutiérrez talked about the challenges and difficulties behind the implementation of the Mechanism. He emphasized the need to fight impunity in attacks against human rights defenders and the obstacles for the coordination of protection efforts between federal and state authorities. For the Coordinator, “the challenge is to have, by the end of December, an established working mechanism with a trusteeship and established and professionalized Units”.

On October 28 the Consultative Council of the Mechanism met with Miguel Osorio Chong, the Interior Minister, and recommended the strengthening of the Mechanism, as well as a clear governmental commitment for the protection of defenders and journalists.

For more information on the Mechanism see the letter sent by civil society organizations on the first anniversary of the Law for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists, PBI's website and briefing.