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PBI Mexico: PBI Mexico calls upon Governor of Oaxaca to strengthen the protection of HRDs

PBI Mexico: PBI Mexico calls upon Governor of Oaxaca to strengthen the protection of HRDs

Press Release

Oaxaca, Oax.- February 20th 2013. Representatives of PBI Mexico met with the Governor of Oaxaca state, Gabino Cué Monteagudo, to share their concerns regarding the situation of risk facing human rights defenders (HRDs) there. PBI underlined some of the challenges of HRDs protection such as institution-strengthening and the proper implementation of the national Protection Mechanism for the Protection of HRDs and Journalists at a state level, all in cooperation the HRDs who require protection.

During the encounter in the Government Palace, PBI Mexico Advocacy Coordinator Ben Leather recognised the interest shown by Gabino Cué's government regarding the protection of HRDs, but warned of the alarming numbers of aggressions against this population which are currently registered. The recent report by Acción Urgente para Defensores de Derechos Humanos (Accudeh) signals Oaxaca state as second only to Chihuahua in terms of numbers of attacks against HRDs in 2011, whilst it registered the worst statistics in the country in the first semester of 20121. HRDs continue to report death threats, harassment, defamation, criminalisation, attacks, ransackings and murders. Given the dangerous situation facing HRDs, PBI has maintained a permanent team in Oaxaca since 2008.

In 2012, HRDs accompanied by PBI were subject to threats and attacks related to their work. During March and April, lawyer Alba Cruz Ramos2, member of Comité de Defensa Integral de Derechos Humanos Gobixha (Codigo-DH) and beneficiary of Inter-American Commission (IACHR) precautionary measures since 2007, Wylfrido Mayrén (Padre Uvi)3, founder of the Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos “Bartolomé Carrasco Briseño” (Barca-DH) and Father Alejandro Solalinde Guerra4, Director of the “Hermanos en el Camino” Migrant Shelter, and with IACHR measures since 2010, were all victims of new aggressions. However, the investigations regarding these crimes have not advanced. During the meeting with the Governor, Ben Leather underlined the need to end this state of impunity and increase efficiency in the justice system in order to ensure that these types of aggressions against HRDs are not repeated.

PBI has embraced with optimism the legislative advances in Oaxaca and the recent creation of institutions aimed at ensuring a better attention to HRDs and a greater respect for human rights. In a document published in November 2012, to mark two years of Gabino Cué's government, PBI outlined the potential of the Special Prosecutor's Office for Investigations into Crimes of Social Transcendence, the Human Rights Ombudsman’s Office of the State of Oaxaca, the Constitutional Court and the Coordination for the Attention to Human Rights5. However in the same document, PBI transmitted the concerns of its accompanied organisations, which have observed and suffered the deficiencies in the functioning of these new organisms. PBI shared with the Oaxaca Governor the importance of ensuring greater resources and training for the staff of these institutions, in accordance with the necessities of HRDs and the victims of human rights violations, and asked how the government intends to respond to the recommendations made in November.

The case of the community of San Dionisio del Mar, Istmo de Tehuantepec, was another of the issues put to Gabino Cué. PBI described the unease which has been generated in past months, due to the increasing tension between the community members who oppose the wind farm project on their land and the company which has been authorised to undertake its installation. Community members, as well as organisations which have accompanied this process such as Codigo-DH and the Asamblea de Pueblos del Istmo en Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio have denounced a State Police presence in their communities which has the apparent intention of impeding protests6. PBI expressed their concern at the information which they have received and emphasised that the international treaties which Mexico has subscribed to recognise the right to a free, previous and informed consultation, as well as the right to protest freely.

Regarding the activists who oppose these projects, PBI reminded the Governor that HRDs have denounced harassment and attacks against them such as in the case of HRD Bettina Cruz Velázquez, member of the Asamblea del Istmo and beneficiary of protective measures authorised by the Oaxacan human rights ombudsman since 2011. PBI also signalled that these are not isolated cases: the conclusions of the mission carried out by PBI and the National Human Rights Network “Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos” in October, showed that many of the aggressions against HRDs in Oaxaca are carried out against community activists and organisations which work in defence of their land and territory7.


More information:
Peace Brigades International – Mexico Project
Communications Coordinator
Graciela Martínez González
Tel.: 55143855
Facebook: PBIMexico
Twitter: @PBI_Mexico

1Report on human rights violations against human rights defenders, Acción Urgente para Defensores de Derechos Humanos A.C., June 2012.

2Codigo DH: New threats against human rights defender Alba Cruz, Urgent Action, 14th April 2012.

3Barca DH: HRD in Oaxaca at risk Father Uvi receives threats, Urgent Action, 17th April 2012.

4PBI Mexico: New threats against migrants and Father Alejandro Solalinde, PBI Mexico News, 17th April 2012.

5PBI México: The protection of HRDs after two years of Cué’s government in Oaxaca, PBI Mexico News, 21st November 2012.

6Codigo-DH: Repression rising against communities in resistance to the entrance of wind energy megaprojects, Urgent Release, 2nd February 2012.

7PBI Mexico: Mission formed by human rights defenders concludes in Oaxaca, PBI Mexico News, 3rd October 2012.