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PBI Mexico: PBI welcomes the Senate's decision. Urging the adoption of the Protection Bill in the Chamber of Deputies

PBI Mexico: PBI welcomes the Senate's decision. Urging the adoption of the Protection Bill in the Chamber of Deputies

The Bill of Law to establish a National Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in Mexico was approved in full by the Senate and passed to the Chamber of Deputies in the session today, Tuesday April 24th. PBI welcomes the decision and congratulates both the civil society organizations and the Senate of Mexico for the preparation of this bill. At the same time, organizations are urging the Chamber for its approval in the current legislature.

Unanimously with 95 votes in favor, the Senate approved the proposal law, developed together with the Civil Society Organizations Group (CSOs Group). In addition, the entire Senate observed a minute's silence in memory of journalists and human rights defenders killed in Mexico.

Specialized human rights bodies, including both of the United Nations (UN) and the Inter-American System, have expressed concern about the violence and insecurity in which HRDs and journalists work in. For this reason, representatives of the CSOs Group worked with the Senate for more than four months in the drafting and design of a Bill that envisages mechanisms for their prevention and protection. The proposal also responds to the recommendations issued by the UN Special Rapporteur, Margaret Sekkagya.

The Bill was announced before the full Senate on March 15 and reviewed by the Legislative Research Commission and the Commission of the Interior, who prepared and approved the final ruling last week. The proposal has been presented by the Mexican government as a complementary initiative to the recent constitutional reform that makes crimes against journalists a federal offense. Also, it provides an additional legislative framework for the Protection Mechanism for HRDs submitted by the Interior Ministry on 28 March. In the latter case, the development of the Manual of reaction and the Protocol for Victims are still outstanding and are vital documents for an effective implementation of the Mechanism.

Peace Brigades International and Amnesty International have accompanied the CSOs Group in this legislative process. Together with other international organizations such as Frontline, Misereor, Action by Christians Against Torture (ACAT Francia), Coordinación Alemana por los Derechos Humanos en México, Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y África (IEPALA), the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights, FIDH, and the World Organisation Against Torture, OMCT) and Protection International said in a recent statement that it is an "historic opportunity to create a National Mechanism of Protection for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists."

Also WOLA, Washington Office on Latin America and the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), and bar associations from various countries (General Council of Spanish Bar, Paris Bar, Bar Human Rights Commitee of England and Wales, Solicitors' International, the International Bar Association and Lawyers for Lawyers) and parliamentarians from Spain, Germany, Italy, UK, Netherlands and Canada have supported internationaly this civil society initiative.

The Mexican civil society organizations welcome the decision of the Senate and are finally waiting for the passage of the bill in the Chamber of Deputies before the conclusion of this legislature period in April.


More information

Sociedad civil insta a diputados a aprobar a la brevedad el dictamen de la Ley de Protección a Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas (Press Release), Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social, A.C. (CENCOS), April 24, 2012.

International Human Rights Organisations welcome a historic opportunity to create a national protection mechanism for human rights defenders and journalists, ACAT France, PBI, German Coordination for Human Rights in Mexico, Frontline Defenders, IEPALA, Misereor, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and PI, April 19, 2012.

Human Rights Defenders and Journalists Protection Mechanism Bill (in Spanish), Mexican Senate, April 24 2012.

Technical data, March 12, 2012