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PBI Mexico: Radilla Sentence: International Bar Association demands implementation

PBI Mexico: Radilla Sentence: International Bar Association demands implementation

The International Bar Association Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has written to Mexican President Felipe Calderón to demand that the Mexican State fully comply with the sentence emitted by the Inter American Court of Human Rights in the case of the forced disappearance of Rosendo Radilla.

A year on from the sentence, the IBAHRI is deeply concerned that the Mexican state has not yet fulfilled its obligations. ‘The implementation of decisions of the Inter-American Court is essential to prevent impunity and ensure accountability for human rights violations,’ said Martin Solc, IBAHRI Co-Chair, ‘We are concerned that non-implementation risks undermining not only the rights of petitioners but also the credibility of the Inter-American system for the protection of human rights as a whole.’

And in a separate letter, also directed to President Calderón, academic and Latin American expert Dr. Peter Watt, of the University of Sheffield, UK, expressed his concern for the safety of Rosendo Radilla’s daughter, Tita, who requires accompaniment from PBI due to the threats and aggressions to which she has been subjected. Dr. Watt also demanded a full and prompt implementation of the Court’s sentence, including a more substantial proposal for reform of the military justice system than that which President Calderón recently presented to Congress.

<media 7070>Download the letter sent by the International Bar Association Human Rights Institute (pdf)</media>

Read the letter sent by Dr. Peter Watt

<media 6963>Download PBI Mexico’s recent bulletin ‘Mexico Before the Inter American Court’, which includes an article on the Radilla case (pdf) </media>