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PBI Mexico: The responsibility of the Mexican state to ensure the safety of human rights defenders and journalists

PBI Mexico: The responsibility of the Mexican state to ensure the safety of human rights defenders and journalists

Press Release

PBI celebrates the recent advances in the establishment of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in Mexico. This is an important recognition of the grave risk faced by both populations due to the work which they carry out in favor of the promotion and validity of human rights and freedom of expression. It is also important to highlight that this is the result of a collaborative effort made by Mexican civil society organizations.

The current climate of political change in Mexico, however, sets out new challenges to the continuity and strengthening of this instrument. Dialogue with, and the participation of, civil society have been crucial in the process of proposal, development and application of the Protection Mechanism, and this is an excellent opportunity to maintain and build upon the positive experience of the process so far.

Over the past 10 years, through its permanent presence in Mexico, PBI has been witness to the situation of risk and insecurity faced by human rights defenders. Mexican civil society and international organizations have worked to raise awareness of this reality, but continue to report threats, harassment, arbitrary use of the justice system, assassinations and disappearances within a context of violence and a lack of recognition of the work that human rights defenders and journalists carry out.

According to the report published by Urgent Action for Human Rights Defenders (ACUDDEH), in 2011 at least 209 human rights violations were committed against human rights defenders. Article 19 registered 172 aggressions related to the exercise of the press during the same period.

Since 2010 PBI, along with other international organizations, has accompanied the Civil Society Organization Group (CSO Group, Espacio OSC) in the process of creating the protection mechanism. After years of intense work, in November the Mechanism's Governing Board (Junta de Gobierno) was officially installed. The initiative, driven by civil society organizations, responds to the grave situation of risk faced by human rights defenders and journalists in Mexico.

The Law for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists, approved unanimously by the Mexican Congress on the 30th of April, 2012, provides a legal framework for the mechanism and thus responds to the recommendation of the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Defenders. It also ensures the participation of civil society organizations in the implementation and decision making process through the Consultative Council (Consejo Consultivo) and the Governing Board. With the participation of the beneficiary in the definition of his/her protection measures guaranteed, the Mechanism ought to ensure an adequate response to their situation of risk.

The UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders establishes that States have the responsibility to protect, promote and make effective all human rights. The creation of the Protection Mechanism is only the first step necessary in order to comply with the its duty in this respect.

It is the Mexican State's responsibility to prioritize the thorough implementation if this Protection Mechanism. To ensure this, it is fundamental that the Government:

  • Publicly recognize the important role that human rights defenders and journalists play in Mexico, the situation of risk that they live in due to their work and the responsibility of the federal government to provide them with adequate protection through this Mechanism.

  • Guarantee the continuity of the Protection Mechanism in the new administration.

  • Open channels of communication and maintain dialogue with Mexican civil society organizations during the implementation of the Protection Mechanism.

  • Ensure the necessary resources - both human and financial - and the corresponding political will for the effective application of the Protection Mechanism.

  • Publish the Mechanism's Protocols and create the Unit for Prevention, Follow up and Analysis.


More information

Graciela Martínez González
Communication and Publications Coordinator
Peace Brigades International - Mexico Project
Tel.: 55142855