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PBI Mexico: See the documentaries by Gael García and Amnesty International about migrants in Mexico

PBI Mexico: See the documentaries by Gael García and Amnesty International about migrants in Mexico

Amnesty International and Mexican actor and producer Gael García Bernal, have launched a series of films depicting the plight of irregular migrants in Mexico.

According to Amnesty International "The four films, called The Invisibles (Los Invisibles) record the journey of hundreds of migrants from the border between Guatemala and Mexico on their way to the United States. The premiere of The Invisibles coincides with the start of this year’s Global Forum on Migration and Development, taking place in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico."

"Every year thousands of migrants are kidnapped, raped and sometimes murdered in Mexico. Driven by grinding poverty and insecurity back home, they travel through Mexico in hope of reaching the USA with its promise of a better life. But all too often their dreams are turned to nightmares."

"The Invisibles exposes the truth behind one of the most dangerous journeys in the world and reveals the untold stories of the people who make the journey north through Mexico."

Above you can see the fourth documentary of the series, entitled Gol, which features the work of Father Alejandro Solalinde, Director of the Migrant Shelter ‘Hermanos en el Camino’ in Ciudad Ixtepec, Oaxaca. Father Solalinde receives the accompaniment of PBI due to the precarious situation which migrants in Mexico, and those who work with them, face.

Click here to see the other documentaries in the Los Invisibles series