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PBI Mexico: Two years after the forced disappearance and extrajudicial killings of human rights defenders Raúl Lucas Lucía and Manuel Ponce Rosas: neither justice nor truth

PBI Mexico: Two years after the forced disappearance and extrajudicial killings of human rights defenders Raúl Lucas Lucía and Manuel Ponce Rosas: neither justice nor truth

In Ayutla de los Libres, during the commemoration of the second anniversary of the extrajudicial killings of Raúl Lucas Lucía and Manuel Ponce Rosas, leaders of the Organisation for the Future of the Mixteco People (OFPM) two years ago, several social organizations from the state of Guerrero condemned the lack of action by federal and state authorities. Until now, the murders haven’t been resolved and those responsible have not been punished.1

On February13 2009, Raúl Lucas Lucía and Manuel Ponce Rosas were forcibly abducted by armed men during a public act which was also attended by the municipal authorities of Ayutla de los Libres. On February 22, their dead bodies were discovered in the municipality of Tecoanapa. Their bodies showed clear signs of torture.2

In their press release Two years after the forced disappearance and extrajudicial killings of human rights defenders Raúl Lucas Lucía and Manuel Ponce Rosas: neither justice neither truth, the Tlachinollan Human Rights Centre, the Organisation of Indigenous Me’phaa Peoples (OPIM), the Organisation for the Future of the Mixteco People (OFPM) and other regional human rights organisations,3 condemned the lack of advances in the investigation. They argue that as a result of the forced disappearance and assassinations of Raúl and Manuel, on the 9th of april of 2009, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ordered the adoption of provisional measures to 107 human rights defenders from Guerrero, members of the OFPM, the OPIM and Tlachinollan. Never the less, these measures have not been effective and the aggressions have continued. During 2010, another Mixteco leader of the OFPM, Álvaro Ramírez Concepción, was the victim of attempted murder and was unjustly accused of a crime on the basis of falsified evidence”.

Consequently, they demand impartial investigations to be carried out, the protection measures of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to be executed, and an end the threats against Guerrero's human rights defenders.4

After the act, the organisations and relatives of the assassinated leaders moved to the cemeteries where the remains of Raúl Lucas Lucía and Manuel Ponce Rosas are buried, in El Ranchito and La Cortina respectively, to offer a floral tribute to the deceased.

PBI provides accompaniment to the Organization of Indigenous Mephaa Peoples (OPIM) and to the Tlachinollan Human Rights Centre. PBI has also followed the case of the Organization for the Future of the Mixteco People (OFPM) which appears in the project bulletin <media 2578>Silenced</media> about the situation of insecurity in Ayutla.


2 Silenced, Peace Brigades International Mexico Project Special Bulletin, May 2009.

3 ´The José María Morelos and Pavón Regional Defense of Human Rights Centre', 'The Guerrero Institute of Human Rights', 'The Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposed to the La Parota Dam (CECOP)' and the 'Radio Ñomndaa'.