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Presentation: Women Crossing the Line: Women Defenders in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala

Presentation: Women Crossing the Line: Women Defenders in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala

As part of our activities for JASS Mesoamerica's 16 days of activism campaign we are presenting a series of mini-documentaries produced by the Nobel Women's Initiative (NWI) Women Crossing the Line: Women Defenders in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala in coordination with allied organizations in the region.

The presentation is co-convened in coordination with UN Women, the UNOHCHR Mexico, Red Mesa Mujeres, The National Women Human Rights Defenders Network Mexico, the Comisión Mexicana, Consorcio Oaxaca, the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center, CEDEHM, the ProDH Center and Peace Brigades International (PBI).

The event will be held on Monday, December 8 at Medellín 33, Colonia Roma at 9:00am. Please confirm your attendance to: catalina(at)

The three mini-documentaries will tell the following stories:

Women crossing the Line: Defenders in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. The first documentary in the series shows the work of WHRDs in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala and how these women combat femicide, seek justice for victims of sexual violence and promote human rights in communities.

Women crossing the Line: Breaking the Silence on Violence Against Women in Honduras. This chapter explores the situation of women's rights after the Military Coup in Honduras. In the documentary, Honduran activists speak about their role in resistance to the military personnel that supported the coup in 2009 and the setbacks women's human rights have faced in the country under the new government. The women defenders also speak about the effort to defend democracy, women's rights and the threats they face due to their work.

Women crossing the Line: Defending Mother Earth. This final chapter shows what life is like for indigenous women defenders living in El Estor in Guatemala, a place where the multinational Gold Corp is established and has caused significant environmental damage to the surrounding area. Their testimony shows the challenges and decisions they have had during their struggle to defend the environment, territorial and land rights before the mining company.

Share the presentation of these documentaries with us and help us disseminate the stories of these brave Mesoamerican women human rights defenders!

More information on the JASS website.