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Special Report: Mexico was evaluated: UN Universal Periodic Review

Special Report: Mexico was evaluated: UN Universal Periodic Review

Read full PBI Report: Mexico was evaluated: UN Universal Periodic Review

During 2009 Mexico has been subject to a high level of attention at the international level. The United Nations Human Rights Council, in the context of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), has carried out a first review of the respect of fundamental rights in this country. UN bodies, NGOs, the Mexican government as well as 56 states from the international community have all participated in the review.

The UPR process shows that serious attacks have been identified on the most basic rights of women, children, farmers, indigenous people, migrants, as well as journalists and human rights defenders. The review highlights concerns regarding the weaknesses of the justice system that favour the climate of impunity. In addition, many observations were made about corruption, arbitrary actions, abuse of authority, and impunity that beleaguer state security forces and many public institutions.The Mexican government, to confront these problems, has accepted a series of recommendations.

In this Special Bulletin, PBI Mexico hopes to highlight the UPR process, the recommendations accepted by the Mexican government and the concerns of the civil society about the recommendations Mexico refused.

The Bulletin also highlights the work of the PBI Mexico team in Oaxaca state, since it was established in October 2008, with an emphasis on the issues and concerns regarding the defense of human rights in Oaxaca. It also describes the problem of drug trafficking in Mexico, how the government has responded and how the problem affects human rights defenders. Highlighting demands for justice, PBI Mexico interviews Tita and Rosendo Radilla after providing testimony in the Inter-American Court on Human Rights about the disappearance of Rosendo Radilla during the Dirty War in Mexico. Finally, human rights defenders from Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia present their work against impunity.