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Special Report: Silenced: Violence against Human Rights Defenders in the South of Mexico

Special Report: Silenced: Violence against Human Rights Defenders in the South of Mexico

Peace Brigades International (PBI) has maintained an international presence
in the municipality of Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero since 2003, accompanying indigenous organizations and human rights lawyers who suffer serious threats as a result of their work to defend fundamental rights.

Throughout these years PBI has witnessed the efforts of the organizations in Ayutla to implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and their
accomplishments in this arena. Unfortunately, PBI has also witnessed the assassinations, disappearances and death threats to members of these organizations, attacks that aim to put an end to the human rights defense work in the region.

With this special bulletin, PBI intends to provide information regarding the particularly difficult situation facehuman rights defenders in Ayutla.

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