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Tlachinollan: HRDs, national and international organisations, demand security for members of HRs Centre Tlachinollan

Tlachinollan: HRDs, national and international organisations, demand security for members of HRs Centre Tlachinollan

  • Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, lawyer of Tlachinollan receives threats.
  • Organisations demand a full investigation and emergency protective measures


Today, the Human Rights Centre "Tlachinollan" reported Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, lawyer at the organization and beneficiary of provisional measures ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR), recently received an anonymous threat note. The text refers to cases accompanied by the organization and says:

Due to these facts, Tlachinollan filed a formal complaint before the Chief of Bureau
of the Attorney General's Office of the State of Guerrero. (PGJE), Mrs. Martha Elba
Garzon Bernal. Tlachinollan's representatives and the attorney, Vidulfo Rosales
himself, held a meeting with senior Guerrero government officials of the administration of Angel Aguirre Rivero. We regret that senior representatives of the
Federal Government did not attend the meeting to endorse commitments and
ensure the effectiveness of the measures discussed.

The undersigning national and international organisatons and human rights defenders express our concern for the threats against human rights defender
Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, member of the Human Rights Centre "Tlachinollan". These
are a direct retaliation to the work this organisation carries out collectively in the
defense and promotion of human rights of the population of Guerrero over the last
18 years.

The text of the anonymous threat aims to inhibit the activities the team of
Tlachinollan carries to support and accompany victims of human rights violations in
cases such as the repression of the students of the Normal Rural College Raul
Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, last 12 December 2011.

Therefore, we demand tthe state and federal authorities to immediately and
urgently implement effectively protective measures, to ensure the security and
integrity of the defender, Vidulfo Rosales, his family and the team of Tlachinollan.
Due to the implications of the threat and the deteriorated context of Guerrero, it is
requested that the state and federal authorities to conduct all necessary actions
and in coordination with the defenders ensure an effective investigation. In the
meantime, the human rights defender, Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, will leave the
country temporarily.

For the undersigning organisations, the current situation faced by the Human
Rights Centre "Tlachinollan" reflects the deterioration of the situation in which
defenders do their work throughout the country. Despite the publicized announcement of new instruments, such as the mechanism of protection of human
rights and the law recently passed on the subject, the harassment and attacks
against activists continue to accumulate, leaving some with the only option to leave the country given the lack of effective security measures implemented by state and federal government.

Moreover, despite the statement by the Federal Government, to date the protection mechanism does not exist. It is essential to put it in place with the participation of senior representatives of the Federal government, in order to guarantee the design and implementation of agreed security measures ensuring its effectiveness in the states, where human rights defenders face the most significant risks.

The climate of adversity for human rights defenders in Guerrero has been increasing in recent years, reflected by the executions of Raul Lucas Lucia and
Manuel Ponce Rosas, in 2009; repeatedly threats against Abel Barrera in 2010; the
disappearance of Eva Alarcon and Marcial Bautista, occurred in 2011 and the
criminalization of the Na Savi defender Maximino Garcia Catarino, only a few
months ago in 2012. All these cases remain in impunity, aggravating the risk
situation for the defenders. In order to prevent irreversible consumed attacks
against the team of Tlachinollan, we urge for immediate safety measures and
reiterate our support to the work of Tlachinollan. We hold state and federal
governments responsibly of any attack against its members.

International organisations: Amnesty International; Robert F. Kennedy Center for
Justice and Human Rights (USA); Human Rights Watch; Due Process of Law
Foundation (USA); Washington Office for Latin America (USA); Misereor
(Germany); Guatemala Protection Unit for Human Rights Defenders (UDEFEGUA);
Propaz (Switzerland)

Networks: German Coordination for Human Rights in Mexico; National Network of
Human Rights Organisations "All Rights for All"; composed by 71 organisations in
22 states of Mexico; Mexican Network of Communities Inflicted by Mining (REMA);
Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposed to the Parota Dam.

National organisations: Services and Couceling for Peace (SERAPAZ); Human
Rights Centre Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez; Consortium for Parliamentary Dialogue
and Equity; FUNDAR, Centre of Analysis and Research; Litiga OLE; National
Centre of Social Communication(CENCOS); Institute for Security and Democracy
(INSYDE); Human Rights Centre "Fray Francisco de Vitoria O. P."; Women's
Human Rights Centre of Chihuaha; Cerezo Committee; Urgent Action for Human
Rights Defenders (ACUDDHE); Women's Network of Ciudad Juarez; Mexican
Centre of Environmental Justice; Mexican Commission of Defence and Promotion
of Human Rights; Oaxaca Collective in Defence of Territory; Integral Processes for
Self-determination; ENLACE Cominication and Training; Citizens in Support of
Human Rights; Open Space Opposed to San Xavier Mine; Other Worlds;
Consortium for Parliamentary Dialogue and Equity -Oaxaca; Bios Iguana;
Collectivity Against Torture and Impunity; Mexican Centre of Environmental Law.
Individuals: Sergio Aguayo; Lucha Castro; Miguel Sarre Public Entities: Mexico City, Commission of Human Rights.


More information

Human Rights Center "Tlachinollan" website.