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Tlachinollan Human Rights Center: Judicial processes against those presumed guilty of the serious violations committed against Inés Fernández and Valentina Rosendo have begun

Tlachinollan Human Rights Center: Judicial processes against those presumed guilty of the serious violations committed against Inés Fernández and Valentina Rosendo have begun

Logo TlachinollanMexico D.F., 9 January 2014. The Tlachinollan Human Rights Center informed via a Press Release that four members of the Armed Forces connected to the human rights violations committed against Inés Fernández Ortega and Valentina Rosendo Cantú in 2002 have been arrested. The four men will face judicial processes in preventive detention.

PBI congratulates Inés and Valentina, as well as Tlachinollan, for this historical achievement and expects the trials against the detainees to be conducted impartially and transparently. It is not possible to exaggerate the importance of this latest development, as impunity has been one of the major obstacles for victims of violations to obtain justice.

After 12 years struggling for their rights, many of which with PBI's accompaniment, Inés and Valentina are finally close to see justice done. PBI continues to lobby the Mexican State to reform its Military Code of Justice in order to guarantee that every case of violation committed by military personnel be trialed in civilian courts.


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