Do you want to become a PBI Mexico volunteer?
Volunteers in PBI come from different countries and backgrounds. All of them share a strong commitment towards non-violence and belief in the capability of all people to contribute to making this world a fairer and more peaceful place.
PBI volunteers commit themselves to a minimum of a year of volunteer work in Mexico in one of the two different Working Field Teams: Chihuahua City, which serves the North of Mexico, and Mexico City, which serves the Center and South of the country. PBI volunteers live and work together in an office-house, they participate in all PBI work activities (physical accompaniment, advocacy, communication/display, security and protection training) and this includes administrative tasks and internal communication linked to the organisation performance.
Those arriving in Mexico with PBI will have the opportunity to be part of the team involved in the exploratory processes, which aim to expand PBI’s work in Mexico by opening new accompaniment processes to Human Rights Defenders.
Our call for applications to become a field volunteer in PBI Mexico in 2025 is until June 9, 2024.
More information is available on our Spanish website. Click here for information on the process and requirements.
Thank you for your interest!