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Ayotzinapa, Three Years Demanding Truth and Justice

Ayotzinapa, Three Years Demanding Truth and Justice

September marked the third anniversary of the mass disappearance of students in Iguala, Guerrero known as the “Ayotzinapa Case”. PBI observed the “Silent March” that commemorated the date, demanded justice, and offered solidarity with the victims and those affected by the recent earthquake. Those present at the march included the OHCHR Mexico, Prodh Center, Tlachinollan Human Rights Center and other civil society organizations, collectives, and individuals. Given that three years have gone by since the disappearance, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights urged the Mexican State to prevent this case from remaining in impunity.

The third official visit to Mexico of the “Monitoring Mechanism” for the precautionary measures and for the recommendations of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) took place in August. The goal of this Mechanism is to supervise compliance with the precautionary measures and the recommendations of the GIEI with regard to advances in the investigation, the search for the disappeared and other things.

It is important to mention that during the month of August, PBI was in Guerrero for the activities organized in Tlapa del Comonfort for the XXIII Anniversary of the “Tlachinollan” Human Rights Center, during which they presented the report, “GUERRERO: Sea of Struggles, Mountain of Illusions” which diagnosis the human rights situation in the Montaña and Costa Chica regions of Guerrero. On that occasion, Abel Barrera – director of the Center - dedicated the report to the mothers and fathers of the 43 disappeared students in Ayotzinapa, who attended the event together with Ines Fernandez Ortega, a survivor of sexual torture by the military, whose case received a sentence by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. She also receives accompaniment from Tlachinollan for the effective implementation of the measures that were given to her.