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Chihuahua Creates Special Prosecutor for the Investigation of Human Rights Violations

Chihuahua Creates Special Prosecutor for the Investigation of Human Rights Violations

Civil Society Organizations in Chihauhua salute the passage of an integral reform of the Chihuhua State Prosecutor’s Office by the State Congress, which will include the creation of a Special Prosecutor for the Investigation of Human Rights Violations in the state.

In a communique signed by 15 organizations, CSOs from the state congratulate the passage of the reform on 30 May, which will allow for the creation of this new Special Prosecutor.

In the State Congresses’ description of the new Special Prosecutor, special mention is made of cases of torture; enforced disappearance; discrimination; and crimes committed against human rights defenders and journalists.

Since the beginning of this year, at least one journalist and two HRDs working on land and territory issues where murdered in Chihuahua.

These murders are part of a regional pattern documented in the recent publication by Greenpeace “The Price of Activism”.

According to the report, Latin America is the region where economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) defenders are most at risk for their legitimate work in defence of human rights.

According to Article 19, in Mexico in 99.77% of cases, the assassination of journalists remain impunity, constituting a “clear incentive for these crimes to continue happening”.