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PBI and International Organizations Present Shadow Report to the UN DESC Committee

PBI and International Organizations Present Shadow Report to the UN DESC Committee

PBI and other international organizations sent a shadow report about the situation of economic, social and cultural rights defenders for the review of the Mexican State by the UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. This report highlights the extreme vulnerability faced by people who defend land and territory, as well as the types of aggressions that they face, which include threats, intimidation and criminalization.

The report highlights some cases, including the criminalization and defamation against Services for an Alternative Education (Educa), an organization accompanied by PBI in Oaxaca, who accompany community processes and opposes the imposition of mega-projects related to mining and hydraulic energy.

Currently, representatives of EDUCA and the Network of Community Defenders of the People of Oaxaca (REDECOM) are participating in a speaking tour in Europe. This tour was organized by PBI -with support from with the goal of providing visibility to the human rights impacts of the mining industry in Oaxaca, as well as the challenges faced by defenders who work on these issues.

Unfortunately, the review of the Mexican state was postponed due to the emergency situation in the country as a result of the recent earthquake. A new date has not yet been set.