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Women Human Rights Defenders

Jan Jarab: “Violence that doesn’t cease, protection that doesn’t go far enough”

In a recent opinion column, Jan Jarab, representative of the OHCHR in Mexico, analysed the security situation of journalists and HRDs in Mexico and characterized the first four months of 2017 as “chilling”, due to the murder of at least five journalists, two HRDs, and two guards assigned to protect beneficiaries of the National Protection Mechanism.

Sister Leticia Gutiérrez receives XXV Don Sergio Méndez Arceo National Human Rights Award

In April, the Don Sergio Méndez Arceo National Human Rights Award, the winners of which are chosen by Mexican civil society organizations, was presented in Cuernavaca. This year, the award was granted to Sister Leticia Gutiérrez Valderrama, a missionary and member of SMR Scalabrinianas who accompany and protect migrants in Mexico.

Consortium Oaxaca: “International Accompaniment Has Strengthened Our Work in Many Ways”

Formal PBI accompaniment of Consortium for Parliamentary Dialogue and Oaxacan Equality (Consorcio Oaxaca) began just over one year ago. This organization works to promote respect for and the exercise of the human rights of women and gender equality.