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Nuevo informe sobre combate a la delincuencia organizada y su impacto para personas defensoras de DDHH

Nuevo informe sobre combate a la delincuencia organizada y su impacto para personas defensoras de DDHH

México D.F., 2 septiembre 2015.– PBI, conjuntamente con el ISHR, publicó un nuevo informe que concluye que los estados deben consultar las personas defensoras de derechos humanos durante el desarrollo de leyes y políticas para enfrentar las problemáticas relacionadas con las drogas y la delincuencia organizada. Asimismo, las autoridades que difamen activistas a través de campañas de desprestigio. Este informe fue elaborado para ser sometido ante la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos (OACNUDH) teniendo en vista la Sesión Especial de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas sobre el problema mundial de las drogas, que tendrá lugar en 2016.

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             Foto: Elementos de la policia mexicana durante un desfile © PBI México

Por el momento el informe, que se puede descargar aquí, está disponible solamente en inglés.


A large percentage of drugs consumed worldwide, and the vast majority of cocaine, are produced in or trafficked through Latin America, with a huge presence of organised crime groups dedicated to drugs trafficking throughout the continent. Latin America is also a very dangerous place to defend human rights. In a report this year Frontline Defenders showed it to be the region with the highest number of murders of HRDs, accounting for 101 of the 130 HRDs killed in 2014, whilst PBI receives the majority of its requests for protective accompaniment from Latin American activists.

In January 2015, ISHR interviewed 75 HRDs from 20 countries across the Americas. The information compiled from these ground level activists coincided with information provided by HRDs to PBI in its field projects in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. This information showed that both the presence of organised crime related to drug trafficking, and the current methods and strategies with which States respond to this issue, imply increased and specific risks for HRDs.

This report complements that first-hand information with secondary research to demonstrate that changes must be made to drugs policy and HRD protection policy if HRDs are to be protected and if States are to guarantee them their rights as set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders).

The emphasis of this report is on the situation in Mexico, which has been on the front lines of the so-called ‘war on drugs’ for at least the past nine years. However, the report also includes specific examples from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti and Honduras, as well as general conclusions taken from ISHR’s Latin America consultations. 

Descargar el informe (disponible solamente en inglés) aquí: