
“An important strategy for the protection of women human rights defenders is to be articulated, to be in contact, to meet eachother and reflect on the violence and mechanisms that we come up against”
- Flor Goche, National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders, Mexico

In order to talk about the psychosocial impacts that the context of permanent threats cause, the Mesoamercian Initiative for Women Human Rights Defenders (IMD) and PBI organised a Regional Conference. The conference took place from 8th until 11th October 2018 in Colombia with representatives from each entity of PBI in Latin America as well as 30 women human rights defenders from 20 organisations members of the IMD in Mesoamerica (Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico).
The conference took place in the framework of a project that PBI and IMD are implementing that is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Relations. Through this project the IMD and PBI have begun to exchange knowledge between the two organisations as well as throughout the different PBI entities about the psychosocial focus, gender, security and protection as well as temporal relocation.

For PBI this conference was particularly important to understand the needs of human rights defenders, specifically women, on a psychosocial level in order to work on this focus in our advocacy efforts which authorities to improve public policies in the various countries in which we work. Also, the shared knowledge helps us to improve our psychosocial focus within the PBI entities as well as the gender perspective that we implement in the holistic accompaniment we offer to human rights defenders.
In order to continue sharing knowledge between the IMD and the different PBI entities, a further regional conference will be organised in 2019 in order to discuss the huge challenges facing human rights defenders in terms of their security and protection as well as the option of temporal relocation for those in particular risk.