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Report Reveals Surveillance of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists

According to an investigation by Citizen Lab, human rights defenders, high profile journalists and anti-corruption activists in Mexico may have been affected by “Pegasus”, a software which infiltrates mobile devices in order to monitor the movements of someone through their cell phone.

Chihuahua Creates Special Prosecutor for the Investigation of Human Rights Violations

Civil Society Organizations in Chihauhua salute the passage of an integral reform of the Chihuhua State Prosecutor’s Office by the State Congress, which will include the creation of a Special Prosecutor for the Investigation of Human Rights Violations in the state.

EDUCA-Oaxaca: the Risk of Defending Land and Territory

In a communique published in May, Services for an Alternative Education (EDUCA) denounced that in the first half of the year, the civil society organization suffered defamation, aggressions and criminalization due to their work in defense and promotion of human rights.

Consortium Oaxaca: “International Accompaniment Has Strengthened Our Work in Many Ways”

Formal PBI accompaniment of Consortium for Parliamentary Dialogue and Oaxacan Equality (Consorcio Oaxaca) began just over one year ago. This organization works to promote respect for and the exercise of the human rights of women and gender equality.