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Chahuites Migrant Shelter faces Risks

According to the CNDH, in recent years the flow of migrants that transit through Mexico have increased, and migration patterns have become more complex. To respond to the needs of undocumented migrants that pass through the municipality of Chahuites, in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in 2014 the priest Alejandro Solalinde Guerra founded the Center for Attention and Humanitarian Aid for Migrants as an extension of the Brothers on the Path Migrant Shelter, in Ixtepec.

EDUCA-Oaxaca: the Risk of Defending Land and Territory

In a communique published in May, Services for an Alternative Education (EDUCA) denounced that in the first half of the year, the civil society organization suffered defamation, aggressions and criminalization due to their work in defense and promotion of human rights.

Appeal Denied to Indigenous Peoples Following Alleged Irregularities in Consultation Process in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

According to a recent communique from ProDESC, on 17 March the Sixth District Judge located in Salina Cruz in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, ruled that the appeal by the Popular Assembly of the Juchiteco People (APPJ), which was filed on 19 August 2015, was denied.

Consortium Oaxaca: “International Accompaniment Has Strengthened Our Work in Many Ways”

Formal PBI accompaniment of Consortium for Parliamentary Dialogue and Oaxacan Equality (Consorcio Oaxaca) began just over one year ago. This organization works to promote respect for and the exercise of the human rights of women and gender equality.