The Casa del Migrante del Saltillo builds a new refuge in collaboration with the UN High Commissioner

According to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), during 2017 the number of refugees rose by 578%, and the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance recognised that there is a total of 14,594 people requesting refuge in Mexico.  In response, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is collaborating with various refuges in the South of the country and with the Casa del Migrante de Saltillo in Coahila, to help extend spaces and attend the growing number of refugees.


La Casa del Migrante de Saltillo construye nuevo albergue para personas refugiadas en colaboración con el Alto Comisionado de ONU

Según la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH), durante el 2017 el número de personas refugiadas aumentó un 578% y la Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR) reconoció que hay un total de 14,594 personas solicitantes de refugiado en México. Como respuesta, el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para Refugiados está colaborando con varios albergues del sur del país y con la Casa del Migrante de Saltillo (CMS) en Coahuila, para ampliar los espacios y poder atender mejor a personas refugiadas.


Gira de Incidencia de Director de Casa Migrante Saltillo en Bélgica y España

El director de la Casa Migrante de Saltillo, Alberto Xicoténcatl fue invitado por Brigadas Internacionales de Paz a participar en varios eventos en Europa con el objetivo de visibilizar el trabajo que realizan quienes defienden los derechos de personas migrantes y refugiadas en Coahuila, y el alto riesgo asociado a su trabajo. En Bilbao, la Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado- Euskadi reunió en el Congreso “Proteger a quien defiende” al Relator Especial sobre la Situación de personas defensoras Michel Forst, a personas defensoras de América Latina y Sáhara y a organizaciones europeas para reflexionar sobre las necesidades de protección, estrategias y riesgos específicos que enfrentan las personas defensoras de derechos humanos.


Director of the Saltillo Migrant Shelter Travels to Belgium and Spain for a Speaking Tour

The Director of the Saltillo Migrant Shelter, Alberto Xicoténcatl was invited by Peace Brigades International to participate in several events in Europe  with the goal of increasing the visibility to the work carried out by migrant and refugee rights defenders in the state of Coahuila, and the high level of risk associated with their work. In Bilbao, the Spanish Commission to Support Refugees – Euskadi held an event titled “Protecting those who defend” which brought together Special Rapporteur on the situation of HRDs Michel Forst, with human rights defenders from Latin America and the Sahara, and European organizations to reflect on protection needs, strategies, and the specific risks faced by human rights defenders.


Director of the Saltillo Migrant Shelter Travels to Belgium and Spain for a Speaking Tour

The Director of the Saltillo Migrant Shelter, Alberto Xicoténcatl was invited by Peace Brigades International to participate in several events in Europe  with the goal of increasing the visibility to the work carried out by migrant and refugee rights defenders in the state of Coahuila, and the high level of risk associated with their work. In Bilbao, the Spanish Commission to Support Refugees – Euskadi held an event titled “Protecting those who defend” which brought together Special Rapporteur on the situation of HRDs Michel Forst, with human rights defenders from Latin America and the Sahara, and European organizations to reflect on protection needs, strategies, and the specific risks faced by human rights defenders.


PBI Accompanies the Fray Juan de Larios Center for Human Rights in Coahuila

On 6 November the Human Rights Clinic from the University of Texas published a report titled, “”Control… over the entire state of Coahuila” together in collaboration with the Fray Juan de Larios Diocese Center for Human Rights (FJDL). The report collects testimonies that were given during different hearings in the United States, and highlights the serious human rights violations in the region.


PBI acompaña al CDDH Fray Juan de Larios en Coahuila

El 6 de noviembre la clínica de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Texas publicó el informe “Control… sobre todo el estado de Coahuila” junto con la  colaboración de el Centro Diocésano para los Derechos Humanos Fray Juan de Larios (CDDH FJDL). El informe recoge testimonios que se dieron durante diferentes juicios estatales en Estados Unidos, y destaca las graves violaciones a los derechos humanos que se han dado en la región.


Migrants and Defenders of the Rights of Migrants Face Serious Risks in Mexico

In September, PBI provided international accompaniment to civil society organizations who defend the rights of migrants in in the state of Coahuila and who face risks due to their work. According to the report by the Citizens Council of the National Migration Institute (INM), in July 2017 the migrant population was subject to “violence and the excessive use of force by INM agents and other security forces in control and detention operatives” and crimes committed against migrants are met with impunity.



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