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August Newsletter is out!

Mexico City, 3 August 2016.– Don't miss our August Newsletter for the latest news on Human Rights in Mexico!

Topics include: the Follow-up Mechanism for the Ayotzinapa case; the National Search Brigade in Veracruz; the increase in Gender Violence in Ciudad Juarez; the Campaign for the "Defence of Mother Earth"; the dialogues between the Teachers' Union and the Federal Government; and many others.

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Gender violence: over 16 cases per day in Ciudad Juárez

Mexico City, 19 July 2016.– Red Mesa de Mujeres (Women's Roundtable Network) of Ciudad Juárez, reported via its Monitoring and Investigation Programme that in January to May, Chihuahua has continued to demonstrate the second highest rate of rape cases (see attached infographic), with 16 femicides also being recorded in Ciudad Juárez between January and June 2016. 50 complaints were made at the Special Prosecutor's Office for Female Victims of Gender Violence in the first 75 days of the year.

International NGOs: concern over delay on follow-up mechanism for Ayotzinapa

Mexico City, 13 July 2016.– Several International Human Rights NGOs expressed their concern over the delays on the implementation of the follow-up mechanism to the investigations of the forced disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa, more than two months since the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) terminated their mandate.

July Newsletter is out!

Mexico City, 6 July 2016.– Don't miss our July Newsletter for the latest news on Human Rights in Mexico!

Topics include: Reactions to the incidents in Nochixtlan, Oaxaca; the 6th High Level Dialogue on Human Rights between the EU and Mexico; the killing of a member of the National Search Brigade in Veracruz; PBI's visit to Guerrero; the statement of NGOs from Chihuahua pursuant to conflicts in the state capital; the Encounter of defenders of land and environment rights; and many others.

Global Annual Report for 2015

Mexico City, 27 June 2016.– Peace Brigades International (PBI) published the global annual report for 2015.

The document highlights on its cover page the case of Cristina Auerbach, leader of the Pasta de Conchos Family Organisation, which works on the Coal Mining Region of Coahuila. Likewise, the report draws attention to the European Speaking Tour of Juan José Villagómez, member of the Saltillo Migrant Shelter.

June Newsletter is out!

Mexico City, 14 June 2016.– Don't miss our June Newsletter for the latest news on Human Rights in Mexico!

Topics include:PBI and WOLA's report on the Protection Mechanism; the visit to Mexico of the UN Special Rapporteur on HRDs; the presentation of our Annual Report; attacks against migrants' defenders from Father Solalinde's Shelter; Important advances regarding land and territory rights in the Sierra Tarahumara; the 5th National Dignity March; and many others.

May Newsletter is out!

Mexico City, 5 May 2016.– Don't miss our May Newsletter for the latest news on Human Rights in Mexico!

Topics include: the hearings at the IACHR; the release of the GIEI's final report on Ayotzinapa; an update on the risk situation of Cristina Auerbach; a campaign against arbitrary detentions by several national and international NGOs; a Training for Trainers on security and protection; and many others.